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Doctor Introduction


Doctor Introduction

Chih-Yu Chi
Chih-Yu Chi

Attending Physician

Chih-Yu Chi

Attending Physician
Doctor Chi is an expert in infectious diseases. He specializes in the treatment of different forms of fevers, pyrexia of unknown origin, infectious diseases. Apart from the cause of pyrexia of unknown origin patients, Tumors, immune system diseases, pyrexia due to drugs and other uncommon reasons must also be included into the diagnosis.

Doctor Chi is an expert in infectious diseases. He specializes in the treatment of different forms of fevers, pyrexia of unknown origin, infectious diseases. Apart from the cause of pyrexia of unknown origin patients, Tumors, immune system diseases, pyrexia due to drugs and other uncommon reasons must also be included into the diagnosis.


Graduated from the School of Medicine, China Medical University Graduated as a PhD from the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, China Medical University


Resident physician at the Department of Internal Medicine; Chief resident and fellow physician at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Attending physician at the Division of Infectious Diseases, China Medical University Hospital

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