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Hand Eczema 什麼是富貴手?


Hand Eczema 什麼是富貴手?


Hand eczema, commonly known as housewives' hand eczema, is hand dermatitis, the main cause of which is that the skin itself is relatively sensitive to repeated stimulation of external substances, resulting in dry hands, peeling, cracking, and disappearing fingerprints.

When hand eczema deteriorates, it should be treated by dermatologists. However, patients should pay attention to the fact that dermatologists can use drugs to promote the recovery of eczema, but they cannot change the patient's constitution and make the skin of their hands more resistant to irritants. Therefore, an important part of the treatment of hand eczema is how to protect the skin of the hand. If this is not paid attention to, the treatment will often fail. This is also the reason why we generally have the idea that hand eczema will not heal.

Special attention should be paid to the following matters, so as to avoid the recurrence or aggravation of hand eczema:

  • Be sure to wear waterproof gloves in case of frequent water contact, such as laundry, cooking, and dishwashing. As some people are allergic to rubber, it's best not to buy rubber gloves and buy polyethylene products instead whenever possible. Don't forget to add a layer of cotton gloves inside your gloves to keep your hands from getting wet with sweat. But don't keep wearing gloves or gloves with holes in them when your hands are wet. Gloves are worse than no gloves.
  • Wear water-proof gloves in the kitchen when cutting ginger, scallions, garlic, chilies, onion, lemon, tomatoes, oranges; peeling tangerines, grapefruit, potatoes; and process raw meat and seafood.
  • Do not touch gasoline, alcohol, floor wax, Magiclean, laundry detergent, collar detergent, bleach, shoe polish, washing powder, dishwashing detergent directly with your hands. Be sure to wear waterproof gloves if you touch these things.
  • Wash your hands with warm water and dry them immediately after you wash them. The less soap you use when washing your hands, the better.  Remember to wash your hands clean, especially between the fingers and under the rings. Dry immediately after applying hand cream or grease.
  • Remove the ring as much as possible when doing housework to prevent dirt from hiding under it.
  • Don't wring clothes out and mop the floor with your hands to avoid friction and irritation.
  • Wear gloves when you go outside or ride a motorcycle on a cold day to protect your hands from the cold wind and cracking.
  • Apply ointments according to your doctor's instructions, and get into the habit of rubbing hand creams frequently. Do not use medicines from friends or bought over the counter.
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