CMUH Bulletin Board
Medical Administration Announcement

Medical Administration Announcement
This bulletin explains everyone the integration of some hospital services or the function and role of new units. The medical administrative and managerial mission aims to assist the departments with administration process without obstruction. We will continue applying complete management system to improve the administrative and management performance.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Site
Sexual Harassment Prevention Act was formulated under Article 28 of the Decree promulgated according to the Zong-Tong-Hua-Zong-Yi-Yi No. 09400016851, dated February 5, 2005. The Act was implemented in one year after the promulgation.
Compared with “Act of Gender Equality in Employment” and “Gender Equity Education Act,” Sexual Harassment Prevention Act focuses on the unit where the perpetrator of the sexual harassment incident belongs with emphasis on the responsibility of employers through preventive and post-prevention networks for sexual harassment.
The beneficiary population in workplace sexual harassment prevention policy is not limited to the harasser but also the employees, job applicants, employers, and the vast public. For this reason, the workplace sexual harassment policy of Taiwan favors more in universal welfare.
It is stipulated in Article 2 of Act of Gender Equality in Employment: “The Act is applicable to civil servants, educational personnel and military personnel.” Article 3 of the same act also requires that the definition of employee, applicant or employers can be applied to the entire Act and the rights and obligations defined within these three. For this reason, the beneficiation population includes the employees, applicant and employers in public and private sectors.
Next, to protect the rights of victims in the so-called sexual harassment from “medical staff to patients,” the Regulations of Sexual Harassment Prevention has been established to benefit the third person (public) on the workplace environment temporarily.
Complaints and Punishment Measures for Prevention and Control of Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceComplaint form for sexual harassment incident
Sexual harassment complaint letter of appointment
Sexual Harassment Complaint Case Withdrawal Application Form
Smoke Free Environment
The scope of property announced by CMUH (within the fence), including the outpatient lobby, stairways, office, treatment sites, meeting premises, wards, lounge room, bathroom, and medical facilities, closed space in transportation tools for operation services, parking lot, parkway, and other outdoor activity space are defined prohibited areas for smoking and betel nut chewing. Moreover, the region in 10 meters away fall exits of CMUH is prohibited for smoking or betel nut chewing. Additionally, such prohibition applies to all employees, contractors, interns, volunteers, job seekers, patients, families, supplies, and visitors.
Organization and Reengineering
CMUH has established highly independent, open and functional core research centers. The centers integrate the fundamental and clinical teams to break the boundaries in current administrative staffing, in attempt to advocate for the progress in medical quality through research outcome. The research centers and research groups form rigid network and take challenges through flat management.
The second-wave of mobile high-tech revolution no longer focuses on the hardware but the content. The field that requires innovative design is the medical care system, where designers can recreate the hospital organization chart or the process of seeking medical help so that more convenience will be brought on medical care and better medical care will be provided to patients.
Esko Aho, Executive Vice President, Nokia, Prime Minister of Finland 1991-1995