妹妹於2005確診紅斑狼瘡, 5天前肚積水, 已做了所有MRI , CT scan for 上半身,全部正常,
MRI brain - all normal , No tumor , no infection , some fluid in chest, 有 1.5 Liters of fluid in her belly that got extracted via a procedure, today recheck again- no more fluid in belly, all the bowel is inflated and inflamed and the wall is enlarged, 照胃鏡同腸鏡內部冇任何事, 現在個肚好似40周大肚,仲有肚痾,嘔,食什麼也嘔出來.
現人在美國的醫院, 仍然未找出發病原因, 應該如何? 感謝萬分.